taco@elvenkind.com wrote:
Hans Hagen wrote:
make sure that mp knows about the definitions: 

- first extend the math collection (use decimen, since there is a linesplit bug with " here) 
- then load the times font 

Math family mc has to be txexa or something similar before the code
actually shows the integral instead  of a plus sign, but Wim can
figure that out himself, no doubt  :-)

- somehow display and inline math render differently; something for taco 

That is normal. One is with an operator with \limits, one without.

ntg-context mailing list
For those interested, this is what I did. Taco is right in saying you have to load the txexa font first.
The code works for me, but I am not sure it is the proper Context way of doing things.

Kind regards
Wim Neimeijer

% ======================= some extra math symbols I need =============================
\startenvironment layout04

% extra math symbols


\definebodyfont [28pt,24pt,18pt,
  17.3pt,14.4pt,12pt,11pt,10pt,9pt,8pt,7pt,6pt,5pt,4pt] [mm] [
  mc=txexa sa 1]

\setupbodyfont [11pt]

% txfonts

\definemathsymbol [oiint]               [op] [mc] ["08] [mc] ["09]
\definemathsymbol [oiiint]              [op] [mc] ["29] [mc] ["2a]
\definemathsymbol [ointctrclockwise]    [op] [mc] ["0A] [mc] ["0B]
\definemathsymbol [ointclockwise]       [op] [mc] ["0C] [mc] ["0D]
\definemathsymbol [varointctrclockwise] [op] [mc] ["2B] [mc] ["2C]
\definemathsymbol [varointclockwise]    [op] [mc] ["2D] [mc] ["2E]

\definemathsymbol [iint]                [op] [mc] ["21] [mc] ["22]
\definemathsymbol [iiint]               [op] [mc] ["23] [mc] ["24]
\definemathsymbol [iiiint]              [op] [mc] ["25] [mc] ["26]
\definemathsymbol [idotsint]            [op] [mc] ["27] [mc] ["28]

\definemathsymbol [oiintctrclockwise]   [op] [mc] ["40] [mc] ["41]
\definemathsymbol [oiintclockwise]      [op] [mc] ["48] [mc] ["49]
\definemathsymbol [varoiintctrclockwise][op] [mc] ["4A] [mc] ["4B]
\definemathsymbol [varoiintclockwise]   [op] [mc] ["42] [mc] ["43]

\definemathsymbol [oiiintctrclockwise]  [op] [mc] ["44] [mc] ["45]
\definemathsymbol [oiiintclockwise]     [op] [mc] ["4C] [mc] ["4D]
\definemathsymbol [varoiiintctrclockwise][op] [mc] ["4E] [mc] ["4F]
\definemathsymbol [varoiiintclockwise]  [op] [mc] ["46] [mc] ["47]

