24 Feb
24 Feb
2:38 p.m.
Meer, Hans van der mailto:H.vanderMeer@uva.nl 24. Februar 2016 um 14:35
I can understand that, but it is not the problem to be solved here. That problem is the fact that I cannot typeset with both \type{...} and \starttyping ... \stoptyping and get the same appearance in type, spacing and size of the symbols. That is apparently not only usefull for narrower text in long lists, but has a usefullness in other cases too. Why should I have to use other mechanisms in order to get similar appearance than just through a symmetry between \setuptype and setuptyping?
\setuptyping[style=\ttx] \setuptype [style=\ttx] \starttext before \starttyping content \stoptyping after before \type{content} after \stoptext Wolfgang