Aditya Mahajan wrote:
Ahh, \lastpage uses \savecurrentvalue. I was pretty sure that I copied the twopass some time back from \lastpage. Maybe I was dreaming, maybe you are changing the internals too fast for me to keep up. Anyways, to make ammends, here is the solution using \savecurrentvalue
you probably have subpage numbers in the back of your mind since they use two pass lists
% It may be better to use \setcounter series of macros. % First let us define a general macro for adding arbitrary number to a counter
\unprotect \def\addtocounter#1#2% #1 name #2 value {\@EA\xdef\csname#1\endcsname{\the\numexpr\csname#1\endcsname+#2\relax}} \protect
% To Hans and Taco: Should the above macro be added to syst-ext?
i've added: \def\incrementcounter#1#2% #1 name #2 value {\setxvalue{#1}{\the\numexpr\csname#1\endcsname+#2\relax}} \def\decrementcounter#1#2% #1 name #2 value {\setxvalue{#1}{\the\numexpr\csname#1\endcsname-#2\relax}} (increment is used elsewere too)
% Now lets define everything in terms of ConTeXt's counter macros
% % show the points on the right side \def\showP[#1]{\inright{\hskip 10mm \framed{#1} }}
\def\pkt[#1]% {\showP[#1]% \addtocounter{Points}{#1}} %
\def\nofPoints{0} % Number of points from previous run
\def\savenofPoints {\savecurrentvalue\nofPoints{\countervalue{Points}}}
% It is a bit boring to type \savenofPoints everytime
\appendtoks \savenofPoints \to \everystoptext
% An example usage
\title{This exam is of \nofPoints\ Points}
% Lets set 10 problems with different points \dorecurse{10} {\pkt[\recurselevel] \input tufte \endgraf}
The whole things is much shorter :)
Hans, I just noticed that \everystarttext is executed at the start of components and products, while \everystoptext is not. Does it make sense to define \stopcomponet and \stopproduct so that \everystoptext is executed?
everystoptext is more tricky and cannot be handled in the nested case; starttext is less tricky ; both are only expanded once Hans ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | www.pragma-ade.com | www.pragma-pod.nl -----------------------------------------------------------------