On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 9:43 PM, Peter Münster
On Thu, Jul 24 2008, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Enabling people to view the pdf preview version (limited, containing excerpts) before acquiring the full version.
In this case the solution offered in the thread are no solution for your, it's too easy for the customers to make the hidden content visible.
Shouldn't it be very easy with MKIV, to replace the content to hide with whatever you want? Examples: - the replacement are only the corresponding line-skips
this is easy if the text is a complete paragraph and no linebreaks are involved but it's going to be complicated with headers, linebreaks, tables, figures etc.
- the replacement are random letters printed in white
% engine=luatex \definestartstop [randomized] [before={\bgroup\setcharactercasing[5]}, after=\egroup] \starttext \input knuth \startrandomized \input knuth \stoprandomized \input knuth \stoptext Regards, Wolfgang