Robert Zydenbos schrieb am 22.08.2019 um 17:52:
You're right. I just compared my earlier attempts with the results of the sample solutions you and Pablo had sent me and assumed that also everybody else knew what I was talking about. Your problem was easy to understand but without more information it's just guess work. On 22. Aug 2019, at 16:53, Wolfgang Schuster
wrote: Robert Zydenbos schrieb am 22.08.2019 um 01:42:
I seem to have a problem with Unicode in the indexing function for my book: a word like āyitu (beginning with an 'a' with a macron over it) is considered a word that starts with a 'y'; the word īga (beginning with an i with a macron) is placed as if it is 'ga'.
Is there any way to tell the indexing function how to deal with such special characters? How should we know why you have problems with your index entries when you're unable to provide a working minimal example, all you have shown so far are snippets. Attached I am sending a longer example, compiled from a few chapters. There you can see that the word 'āddariṃda' is listed as if it starts with a 'd'. This happens with every word that begins with a vowel with a macron.
As I mentioned in my last posting, I already have a primitive workaround solution – but this could become an issue for some later user for whom the index is more important. A PDF with the wrong sorting order doesn't help when you can't show a working minimal example to reproduce the problem. When you need more control about the sorting order of the index you should switch to MkIV which has more options.