Dear ConTeXters! The NTG is organizing its next meeting on 27 october 2010. Opening at 10:00, ending at 16:30. After closing we will go for dinner ... You are kindly invited to join as at the Koninklijke Militaire Akademie in Breda, Kasteelplein 10, 4811 XC Breda. Programme: * John Haltiwanger: typesetting poetry (ConTeXt) * Hans: Tagged PDF (requirement for archival pdf) * Hans: Context Lua Documents (cld) * Taco: texlive 2010 / tlcontrib * Taco: Luatex in TeXlive 2010 * Frans (+Willi): Eurotexquotes production * Discussion regarding the question whether e-readers will cause typeseting to vanish or whether we will be able to survive... There will be occasion to show your own work or do a hands-on session. If you might have a (short) presentation ready, please do not hesitate to tell us! Inscription can be directed to the secretary ( Because we are guests at the Royal Military Academy we have to comply with their internal rules i.e. Together with the name we must also deliver the number of the passport or identity card. Kind regards Willi Egger Secretaris NTG