Dear list, I would like to render BibTeX-entries with the provided APA-style, however, in the text use superscript cross references. I have the following issues, which I don't know how to resolve. I was hoping, you could help me. 1. When choosing the style APA, the change to \setupcite seems to be ignored, see the minimal example below. (When changing alternative=apa back to alternative=ams, it works again.) 2. As I am citing bibliography entries with numbers, adding letters to the end of the publication years makes no sense. How can I loose the letters? Now, also the provided AMS-style adds these letters, which I don't think should be the case, too. 3. The edition field when citing a book is rendered wrong. It should be 7th edition followed by a period. (Compare this with the ams-style, where the edition field is rendered correctly.) How can I add the period and automatically add the st, nd, rd, th to a edition number? 4. Say, I would revert back to AMS-style but using superscripts rather than the [#Number] default. How can I loose the square brackets in the reference section? Thank you very much in advance. Thomas ----example.tex---- \setupbibtex[database={references},sort=author] \setuppublications[alternative=apa,sorttype=authoryear,numbering=yes] \setupcite[num][ left=\raisebox{1ex}\hbox\bgroup\tfxx, right=\egroup, lastpubsep={, }] \starttext \title{Test with APA} \section{Some text} This\cite[Mustermann:2014, Doe:2012a] and that,\cite[Doe:2012b] also that\cite[Doe:2012a] and this book.\cite[Mustermann:2001] \section{References} \placepublications [criterium=text] \stoptext ----example.bib---- @article{Mustermann:2014, title = {One hell of a title}, author = {Max {Mustermann}}, journal = {SomeJournal}, year = 2014, volume = 63, number = 2, pages = {289-298} } @article{Doe:2012b, title = {Another title}, author = {John {Doe}}, journal = {SomeJournal}, year = 2012, volume = 3, number = 2, pages = {189-198}, } @article{Doe:2012a, title = {Foo Bar Zap}, author = {John {Doe}}, journal = {SomeJournal}, year = 2012, volume = 4, number = 1, pages = {89-92}, } @book{Mustermann:2001, title = {How does this work?}, author = {Max {Mustermann}}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2014}, edition = 7, address = {Berlin/Heidelberg} }