11 Sep
11 Sep
4:28 p.m.
Patrick Gundlach
Steffen Wolfrum
writes: 1. If I define \setupinterlinespace at the beginning of my document then all "elements" (like bodytext,foonotes, chapter, section etc.) are affected. How can I define the interlinespaces for each individually?
Does chapter 6 of "Fonts in ConTeXt" (mfonts.pdf) help?
No, it doesn't - or at least my brain is too latexy to understand how this should look in ConTeXt: \renewcommand{\normalsize}{\fontsize{10pt}{13pt}\selectfont} \renewcommand{\footnotesize}{\fontsize{8.5pt}{10pt}\selectfont} \newcommand{\heading_1}{\fontsize{14}{20}\selectfont} \newcommand{\heading_2}{\fontsize{12}{14}\selectfont} Maybe you can help translating? Steffen