Dear list,

I'm trying to use the BabelStone Flags font, with colored flags of many countries, available freely under the SIL Open Font License 1.1 at:

In the MWE below, there is a spurious “at” in the first time that the definition of the symbol for the Brazilian flag is used, but no problem when the definition for the flag of Portugal is used or even when the symbol for the Brazilian flag is used a second time. How to correct this behavior?


\definefontsynonym[flags][file:BabelStoneFlagsDual.ttf*colored at 7pt]


Brasil \symbol[BR]

Portugal \symbol[PT]

Brasil \symbol[BR]


Todas as coisas fatigam o corpo, salvo a música, que não fatiga nem o corpo nem seus membros, por ser descanso da alma, primavera do coração, distração do aflito, entretenimento do solitário, e viático do viajante.

Kunnâsh al-Hâ'ik (Cancioneiro de al-Hâ'ik)