Hi Hans, Last week I sent you a PDF showing a strange behaviour of \startitemize and \quotation in LMTX. I finally could nail down the origin of the problem: it seems that if the command \setupsynctex[state=start] is present twice at the beginning of the document, then the combination \item and \quotation and \dots prevents the item to be shown correctly… (In my case I was typesetting a document with the above command in which a file containing it also was \input). Below is the minimal example and its PDF. Best regards: OK % begin file: bug-itemize-lmtx.tex \setupsynctex[stat=start] \setupsynctex[state=start] % if this is removed then everything is fine… \setupquotation[style=italic,left={«~},right={~»}] \showframe \starttext \startitemize[n] \dorecurse{4}{\item This item \quotation{is shown correcly\dots} \item This item \quotation{\dots is not shown correctly}} \stopitemize \stoptext % end file: bug-itemize-lmtx.tex