Hi Hraban, Your questions are more about luatex than about context, I think (you _are_ talking about mkiv, yes?) Henning Hraban Ramm wrote:
Ahoi, (1) there's an ongoing thread on the German mailing list (TeX-D-L), if it would be possible to implement weighted(?) hyphenation, i.e. that some breaks are better than other, e.g. Do-nau---dampf--schiff---fahrt Wa-ren---wirt--schaft Eu-ro-pa---par-la--ment (In InDesign I can suggest such priorities if I add words to the user dictionary.)
There is a tracker item to that effect: http://tracker.luatex.org/view.php?id=168 but it has no planned deadline yet.
(2) Uses ConTeXt the same hyphenation algorithm as LaTeX? Or one of the newer projects? (perhaps SiSiSi?)
At the moment, the functionality of \patterns in luatex is the same as in pdf(tex) except that the hyphenation patterns are fully UTF-8.
(3) Further, I wonder why \hyphenation{} is case dependend - in my last project "Secretary General" was wrongly hyphenated, but \hyphenation{se-cre-ta-ry} didn't fix it, I needed \hyphenation{Se-cre-ta-ry}. Does that make sense?
Not so much. At first sight, this looks like a luatex bug. I will investigate. Best wishes, Taco