It works, thanks! Can \startunderline be put into a table or a tabulate? I want to implement thing like this: \startbuffer[chinesetitle] \startunderline 基于成本的钉耙强度与应用——东方视角分析 \stopunderline \stopbuffer \startbuffer[englishtitle] \startunderline Cost Based Rake Strength and Application: An Oriental View \stopunderline \stopbuffer \starttabulate[|l|l|] \NC 中文论文题目: \NC \getbuffer[chinesetitle] \NC \NR \NC 英文论文题目: \NC \getbuffer[englishtitle] \NC \NR \stoptabulate Of cause, the codes do not work. Is there any alternative way? Best wishes, Wei-Wei Yanrui Li 写道:
2009/4/7 Yanrui Li
: Hi,
May be this can help you.
%%%% \startuseMPgraphic{mpos:par:columnset} % Shift underlining down a touch \iftracepositions show_multi_pars \else draw_multi_pars \fi ; path p ; p := boundingbox currentpicture ; currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (0,-1.2*StrutDepth) ; setbounds currentpicture to p ; \stopuseMPgraphic
\definetextbackground[underline] [location=paragraph,alternative=1,background=,frame=off]
\definestartstop [underline] [before={\starttextbackground[underline]}, after=\stoptextbackground]
\startunderline \input knuth \stopunderline
\stoptext %%%%
You can control the distances by setting up the params of "currentpicture shifted" and linespace.