27 Nov
27 Nov
6:34 a.m.
Hi Hans, Hi all!
Hans Hagen schrieb:
bold math and mixed bold math; only defined for lucida (dunno other bold math fonts yet)
I also uploaded new versions.
following error occures on every context run with the new context:
----------- (c:/fpTeX/texmf-local/tex/context/base/cont-new.tex systems : beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.tex! ! Undefined control sequence. <argument> \??bo \v!synchroniseer .. .. ..
? -----------
a bug?
after some tweaking one error remains: (c:/fpTeX/texmf-local/tex/context/user/tex/context/base/spec-tpd.tex ! Undefined control sequence. l.110 \pdfoptionpdfinclusionerrorlevel =0 ? Greetings Lutz