Thanks for the feedback.
No, you are not missing anything. The ConTeXt command list comes from a
file that Hans & Hraban maintain - to create the PDF version of the ConTeXt
commands guide that is available with the distribution -
https://wiki.contextgarden.net/Documentation (we convert that file into a
Typescript object and then use it in the Language Server).
Yes, this is an obvious improvement point that you have highlighted - I
will work with Hans & Hraban to improve it.
On Wed, Nov 9, 2022 at 8:36 PM
Thanks. I’ve had a quick look.
One thing I’ve found is that it supports \start... commands, yet in some cases the corresponding \stop... commands seem to be missing.
Am I missing something ?
*Von:* ntg-context
*Im Auftrag von *Ramkumar KB via ntg-context *Gesendet:* Dienstag, 8. November 2022 15:20 *An:* mailing list for ConTeXt users *Cc:* Ramkumar KB *Betreff:* [NTG-context] New VSCode extenstion using ConTeXt Language server Hello All,
I have published the new VSCode Extension for ConTeXt, that I presented during the 2022 ConTeXt meeting -
You can install it manually in the VSCode (using the "Install from VSIX..." option).
Documentation (for now) - https://meeting.contextgarden.net/2022/talks/ramkumar/ramkumar-talk.pdf
This supports ConTeXt markup and for any Lua code (within \startluacode & \stopluacode) it re-directs to the Lua Language Server (from Sumneko - https://github.com/sumneko/lua-language-server )
To Do -
1. Make the source code open-source 2. Add new features (like Hover & Tooltip) 3. Work with Taco to add MetaPost Language Server (this could be challenging and interesting)
Do give this a try and give your feedback. Note that this does not contain *all* the macros but covers the vast majority of the ConTeXt commands.
Thank you,
best regards