Hi Steffen, I could not confirm the following in the ConTeXt source code (could not find the definition), but I might be remembering a similar case, where I wanted special setups for chapters and wondered why the contents were shown differently. As far as I remember, I solved it by using \setuphead not only for chapter, but also for title (and/or some others?), so this might help for your problem as well ... For some reason the example you provided does not work at all for me (there is no page break before chapters; perhaps my ConTeXt is too old), so I'm sorry, I could not test this suggestion. On Thu, 18 Sep 2003, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
while Patrick Gundlach could provide me a solution for all chapters in one file there still is no idea how to do it within the project structure.
See for example the following: The generated empty pages after the TOC (page 2), and after the last chapter (14 and 15) all have pagenumbers.
Quite ugly.
How to get rid of them? How to make empty pages by default empty?
Minimal Example:
\definepagebreak [chapter] [yes,header,right]
\setuphead [chapter] [page=chapter, ]
\setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \setupsectionblock[frontmatter][page=chapter] % doesn't work
\starttext \startfrontmatter \completecontent \stopfrontmatter \startbodymatter \chapter {test} \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte } \chapter {test} \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte } \chapter {test} \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte } \stopbodymatter
-- Holger F. Schoener TU Berlin; Dept. IV: EE and Computer Science hfsch@cs.tu-berlin.de http://www.cs.tu-berlin.de/~hfsch/ Rooms FR2525 Tel: +49-30-314-73115, Fax: -73121 Office FR 2-1 Franklinstr. 28/29, D-10587 Berlin, Germany