Nagy Bence
Has anyone been able to use the standard PDF postscript fonts with context? I recently upgraded to tetex 2.0, latest context, so had to restart with the font stuff. 1. After tinkering I could get the URW stuff working, but I want the Adobe. I have the same problem, but I couldn't find the right solution and URW fonts doesn't work too.
OK, what to do: 1. Run texfont on context/data/type-tmf.dat like this: texfont --encoding=texnansi --fontroot=/usr/share/texmf --batch type-tmf.dat That should produce the right .tmf files. 2. In your cont-sys.tex (/usr/local/texmf/tex/context/cont-sys.tex) have only the following: ==================== % This seems to be Hans preferred encoding \setupencoding[\s!default=texnansi] ==================== No other \usesetypescript, or \setupencoding should be present. 3. If you run this test file: ==================== \setupbodyfont [pos,10pt] \starttext hello world. {\ss hello again!} {\tt the end.} \stoptext ==================== it should run fine, except pdf(e)tex complaining that it can't find the fonts. 4. Add the following to pdftex/config/pdftex.cfg ==================== map +texnansi-bitstrea-charter.map map +texnansi-public-antp.map map +texnansi-public-antt.map map +texnansi-urw-bookman.map map +texnansi-urw-courier.map map +texnansi-urw-helvetica.map map +texnansi-urw-palatino.map map +texnansi-urw-times.map map +texnansi-urw-zapfchan.map ==================== These files should be in that directory if texfont has run correctly. You can also use \autoloadmapfilestrue and put \loadmapfile in your cont-sys it seems, but that gives you lots of warnings, so I don't like that approach. Let me know if you encounter any problem! -- Live long and prosper, Berend de Boer