Am 17.01.2012 um 12:38 schrieb Pavel Dohnal:
Hello, I want to have 10mm space between rim of the paper and beginig of the text. This is my layout:
\definelayout[normal][ bottompace=0mm, footerheight=6mm, footerdistance=0mm, bottomdistance=0mm, bottomspace=0mm, topdistance=0mm, topspace=0mm, headerheight=60mm, headerdistance=0mm, leftedgewidth=0mm, leftmargin=10mm, leftedgedistance=0mm, leftmargindistance=0mm, backspace=10mm, rightedge=0mm, rightmargin=10mm, cutspace=0mm, rightmargindistance=0mm, rightedgedistance=0mm, width=277mm, height=210mm ] \setuplayout[normal] After printing is space in left 10mm, but space between top rim of the paper and top text is 14mm. Why is that? How to setup my layout to have exactly 10 mm both in top and in left?
When you want to set all values to zero and only a few to certain value you first clone the “page” layout (where everything is zero) and set then the rest to desired value. The horizontal dimensions are determined by the three values - backspace (distance from the left/inner margin) - cutspace (distance from the right/outer margin) - width (width of the textblock) Normally you need only two values because when you set backspace + width the cutspace is calculated and when you set backspace + cutspace you can write width=middle and the width of the text block will be calculated. The vertical dimensions are calculated also three values - topspace (distance from the top margin) - bottomspace (distance from the bottom margin) - height (height of the textblock) You need here also only two value, topspace + height which all calculate the bottomspace or topspace + bottomspace in combination with height=middle. I haven’t mentioned the header and footer above because they are part of the textblock and will take space from this area. When you use the information above for a layout you need \definelayout [middle] [page] [backspace=10mm, topspace=10mm, height=210mm, height=277mm] \setuplayout[middle] \showframe[text][text] \starttext \dorecurse{10}{\input knuth\par} \stoptext Wolfgang