On Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 7:16 AM Alexandre Christe
It’s true that \vtop{…} does the job for a single line of items, but it doesn’t in the case there’re multiple (\vtop{}) aligns with the bottom.
Here’s a modified MWE
\startitemize[n][style=\bf] \item \godown[-\lineheight] \startitemize [a,columns,two,packed,broad][stopper=),before={\blank[nowhite]}] \item $6(x - \dfrac{5}{12})^2 - \dfrac{1}{24}$ \item $-3(x - \dfrac{1}{3})^2 + \dfrac{1}{3}$ \item $7(x + \dfrac{5}{14})^2 + \dfrac{199}{28}$ \item $-\dfrac{1}{2}(x + 2)^2 + \dfrac{9}{2}$ \stopitemize \stopitemize
A. Christe Le 22 août 2023 à 04:08 +0200, fv leung
, a écrit : I'd do it this way:
\starttext \startitemize[n][style=\bf] \item\vtop{% \startitemize[a,horizontal,four][stopper=\)] \startitem $6(x - \dfrac{5}{12})^2 - \dfrac{1}{24}$ \stopitem \startitem $-3(x - \dfrac{1}{3})^2 + \dfrac{1}{3}$ \stopitem \startitem $7(x + \dfrac{5}{14})^2 + \dfrac{199}{28}$ \stopitem \startitem $-\dfrac{1}{2}(x + 2)^2 + \dfrac{9}{2}$ \stopitem \stopitemize } \stopitemize
Alexandre Christe
於 2023年8月22日 週二 上午2:58寫道: Dear ConTeXt users,
Time goes by but I haven't yet found a nice solution to this issue. When having mathematics, I'd not like to adjust by hand the factor of \linewidth for the \godown command.
Here's a MWE
\startitemize[n][style=\bf] \item \godown[-\lineheight] \startitemize [a,columns,four,packed,broad][stopper=),before={\blank[nowhite]}] \item $6(x - \dfrac{5}{12})^2 - \dfrac{1}{24}$ \item $-3(x - \dfrac{1}{3})^2 + \dfrac{1}{3}$ \item $7(x + \dfrac{5}{14})^2 + \dfrac{199}{28}$ \item $-\dfrac{1}{2}(x + 2)^2 + \dfrac{9}{2}$ \stopitemize \stopitemize
Thanks in advance.
Le ven. 2 sept. 2022 à 11:24, fv leung via ntg-context
a écrit : \starttext
\startitemize[n] \item\godown[-\lineheight] \startitemize[a,columns,packed][before={\blank[nowhite]},right=\),stopper=] \item bla \item bla \item bla \item bla \stopitemize \item\godown[-\lineheight] \startitemize[a,columns,packed][before={\blank[nowhite]},n=3,right=\),stopper=] \item bla \item bla \item bla \item bla \item bla \item bla \stopitemize \item\godown[-\lineheight] \startitemize[a,columns,packed][before={\blank[nowhite]},n=4,right=\),stopper=] \item bla \item bla \item bla \item bla \item bla \item bla \item bla \item bla \stopitemize \stopitemize
Alexandre Christe via ntg-context
於 2022年9月2日 週五 下午5:08寫道: Dear all,
I'm struggling to setup a nested itemize with no blank line and several columns.
What I mean is something like 1. a) bla c) bla b) bla d) bla
The following MWE is my starting point
\starttext \startitemize[n] \item \blank[-line] \startitemize[a,horizontal,two] [margin=2cm] \item First \item Second \item Third \item Fourth \stopitemize \item \blank[-line] \startitemize[a,horizontal,columns,two] \item First \item Second \item Third \item Fourth \stopitemize \stopitemize \stoptext
Thanks in advance
Not really tested, but \blank[overlay,-depth] seems to work OK (thanks Hans!). I also take the opportunity to push a bit for the new itemtable mechanism: \defineitemgroup[alex] \setupitemgroup [alex] [each] [a,two] [margin=2cm, before=\blank[overlay,-depth]] \showboxes \starttext \startitemize[n] \startitem \startalextable \startitem First \stopitem \startitem Second \stopitem \startitem Third \stopitem \startitem Fourth \stopitem \stopalextable \stopitem \stopitemize \stoptext Please test for a larger document to see if it works well. /Mikael