Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:
While we're at it, the reference compression method is a little too aggressive: I have a \cite[onething,another] and it gives me [1--2] in text ... in this case [1,2] would be better, IMO. Compression is good if you have three or more consecutive refs.
The actual compression of the numbers is done by a macro written by Hans (syst-new.tex) and I don't quite understand how it works, but ... please try this patch: \unprotect \def\doverysimplebibnumref#1#2% {\refsep \ifcase#1\relax ??\else \def\tempa{#2}% \ifx\empty\tempa#1\else \ifnum#1<\numexpr#2-1\relax #1\bibalternative\c!inbetween#2% \else #1\refsep#2% \fi \fi \fi} \protect That should keep on working even if/after Hans' macro is changed sometime in the future. Greetings, Taco