Dear ConTeXt users! The 14th ConTeXt Meeting https://meeting.contextgarden.net/2020/ in the Czech Republic is in preparation as originally planned. As nobody is able to predict the situation in September, we have started pre-registration only and will discuss conditions at the end of July via the mailing list of pre-registered participants. We will take into account up-to-date travel restrictions and health risks and make the final decision on July 31, 2020, based also on the number of pre-registrations. Till then no payment is wanted. All pre-registered participants qualify for early bird discount to be paid during the first week of August. Pre-registration doesn't bind you to pay or attend the meeting. The ConTeXt Group board has discussed other options (on-line meeting, postponing the meeting), but these are unlikely to happen, in case the meeting is cancelled. *14th ConTeXt Meeting* *September 6–12, 2020, Sibřina, Czech Republic* For the second time we will held the meeting at the friendly farm U Škodů, at the eastern border of Prague. See the gallery from 2018 http://kostverlorenvaart.nl/context2018/ by Frans Goddijn. Topics will cover usage and development of LuaMetaTeX, ConTeXt, and everything related. Each meeting is source of inspiration for everybody, from beginner to expert. Friendly company is always looking for meeting new participants, users of LuaTeX, LuaMetaTeX, ConTeXt, Metapost, etc. There is a special discount for those, who attend the meeting for the first time and for students. Also ConTeXt Group members are qualified for the discount, so consider joining the group. For more details and pre-registration visit the 14th ConTeXt Meeting https://meeting.contextgarden.net/2020/ page. Hope to see you in September, Jano on behalf of the ConTeXt Group https://group.contextgarden.net