On Tue, 8 May 2007, Michael wrote:
On 7 May 2007, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Mon, 7 May 2007, Michael wrote:
Hi, I'd like to define a 'enumeration' so I can type \doc, \doc, which expands to 'Document A', 'Document B' (so I don't have to keep track of the A/B/C.
A defineenumeration does almost what I want except I want the 'Document A' to be part of a sentence rather than a special heading. (There is no 'intext' option in the 'location' parameter.).
\defineenumeration[location=serried, width=broad]
(try width=fit or wide also)
Thanks. Here is a minimal example that almost works, except for the 'conversion'.
Ah, I remembered that this was a bug in core-des. I had corrected this while adding an improved support for theorems to core-des. I will be sending that updated file to Hans in a few days and the bug should be fixed. If you need an immediate fix, I can send you a patch.
\setupoutput[pdf] \defineenumeration [demo] [text=Demo,location=serried,before=,width=fit,conversion=Character] \starttext Please see \demo\ first.
Please see (\demo) afterward. \stoptext
The space between 'Demo' and 1 is still a bit larger than normal text. How to fix that?
This is not how enumerations are supposed to be used. Add style=italic to see what I mean. Everything after \demo to the end of the paragraph is a group, so you can get unexpected results, e.g. \defineenumeration [demo] [text=Demo,location=serried,before=,width=fit,conversion=Character] \newif\iftestcase \def\test{ Test case is \iftestcase True \else False \fi} \starttext \test \testcasetrue \test Please see \demo\ \testcasefalse \test first. \test Please see (\demo) afterward. \stoptext For your purpose, I will suggest something simpler: \definenumber[demo][conversion=Character] \setuplabeltext[demo=Demo] \def\demo% {\incrementnumber[demo]% \bold{\labeltext{demo}\space\getnumber[demo]}} Please see \demo\ first. Please see (\demo) afterward. If you want, it is easy to extend this definition to something like \definesimpleenumeration Aditya