Hi all, "when manipulating in one area you will have to manipulate also in other aeras” I must confess. I asked some time ago about manipulating the pagenumber. Wolfgang provide me the following approach: \cldcontext{“\letterpercent.0f”,(\pagenumber+1)/2} This works indeed fine. However now I am confronted with the fact, that in the TOC the manipulated pagenumbers should be taken into account. Wolfgang’s approach does not help and ends in an error: \define[1]\SectionTOCPagenumber{ \cldcontext{“\letterpercent.0f”,(\pagenumber+1)/2}} \setuplist [section] [pagecommand=\SectionTOCPagenumber] My question is: is there a way to manipulate the pagenumber in the TOC such, that it reflects the pagenumbers in the document? Kind regards Willi