I got this eMail, and copy it here, maybe someone understands what changed and caused this Bug. ++++++++++++++++++ I looked at your not_so_short_example in ntg-context Digest, Vol 101, Issue 53, 18 November 2012, and I found that your problem, the section title alone at the bottom of a page, occurs only in some versions of the ConTeXt standalone, not in others. That on TeXLive will be OK (it was on my installation) My recent version of ConTeXt (14-11-2012) was not OK but some older versions (from march and may this year and even as recent as october 28) do not give your problem. For he others, I tried to avoid the problem by adding to your setup: \clubpenalty=10000 % keine Schusterjungen / no clubs (from Ubuch) \widowpenalty=10000 % keine Hurenkinder / no widows but that did not change anything, starngely enough. Maybe you could ask Hans Hagen or Wolfgang Schuster to have a look at the code and find out what's wrong. I hope this helps a little for the time being. +++++++++++++ Huseyin