On Wed, Apr 20, 2005 at 12:24:35AM +0200, Hans Hagen wrote:
From: Hans Hagen
Paul Tremblay wrote:
The manual and others have given good advice on how to do the most basic placment of floats, such as forcing it onto a new page.
How does one get even more control. For example, if I want a particular table to have 2 inches of space from the left margin, or if I want to center my figures.
see details.pdf
This is the best I can come up with. This seems like a complete hack. For one thing, the caption does not move with the graphic. \placefigure [here]{Portrait of Thoreau}{\setlayer[graphics][hoffset=1in, voffset=1in]{\externalfigure[thoreau ref]}} Paul -- ************************ *Paul Tremblay * *phthenry@iglou.com * ************************