12 Apr
12 Apr
8:10 p.m.
Dear all, is there a way to change the style and size of the font used to print "Instruments" in the following example ? I would like something like \bfb\ss. \textrule[top]{Instruments} Some artists mention the instruments that they use during the production of their \kap{CD}. In Peter Gabriel’s \quote {Digging in the dust} he used the {\em diembe}, {\em tama} and {\em surdu}. The information on another song mentions the {\em doudouk}. Other \quote {unknown} instruments are used on his \kap{cd} \quote {Passion}. \textrule Thanks in advance, -- Flavien. ---------------------------- "Quantum objects are completely crazy but, at least, they are all crazy in the same way." R.P. Feynman.