Kirill Davidov schrieb am 26.10.2024 um 11:32:
I have been making a table with \digits aligned cells and noticed that in mode 3 (thin mu skips as group separator, comma as decimal separator) a specification like {_X.=} causes the single digit number to be misaligned, it's like there's about 2mu worth of space just before the number. I don't have much of an idea as to what causes it. It doesn't seem to be an issue in mode 1, although it may be simply not as noticeable. This also affects \unit.
There are no mu skips in your example because the values are math. When you use modes 0--2 ConTeXt inserts a space based on the width of an period but the other modes use either \thinspace (mode 3 and 4) or \thickspace (mode 5 and 6) as separator. %%%% begin example \setdigitmode{3} \startdocument \type{1,000} = \the\dimexpr\widthofstring{1,000}\relax \type{1.000} = \the\dimexpr\widthofstring{\digits{1.000}}\relax \type{1\thinspace 000} = \the\dimexpr\widthofstring{1\thinspace 000}\relax \type{1.000} = \the\dimexpr\widthofstring{\digits{1.===}}\relax \stopdocument %%%% end example Wolfgang