I am playing with this right now, but it's contra-automative :-P:
\startchapter[title={Chapter Ej},marking={}]
Zitat hier: \LINK{libA}
Weiteres Zitat (\LINK{libA} S. 201 ff.).
Verweis hier: \LINK{libB}
% ---------------------------------------------------------
A. Bloch, {\it Pleasuredome}, AH-A Ltd., 2018
(zuletzt abgerufen am 31.12.2009)
But I'd really like the BibTeX way... Or at least a hint how I can
create my own style in CTX from @MISC or even a new entry format.
How can I at least turn off the (unpublished) tag?!? Please...
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [NTG-context] How to cite online websites (reloaded)
Datum: Sun, 2 Sep 2018 19:02:42 +0200
Von: Lars