On 6/26/06, John R. Culleton wrote:
I downloaded the justtex.zip and the context-linux.zip files into a work directory /usr/local/cont and unzipped them. Then I cd to the tex directory under that work directory. I made the the setuptex file executable and executed it with no apparent effect.
You have to execute . setuptex ie. [dot] setuptex in that specific folder and than tex will work in that shell only. I've put something equivalent to cd /usr/local/cont/tex . setuptex cd into my .bashrc. I'm not sure that that's the proper and most elegant solution, but it was the only one that I found to be working. (An alternative would surely be a "smart copy" of contents of setuptex to .bashrc.)
Then I changed the path to point to /usr/local/cont/tex/texmf-linux/bin and ran mktexlsr.
If setuptex was executed properly, it should already be in your PATH. If not, other environmental variables needed to run TeX properly are not set either, so the formats will not be copied where they were supposed to be.
It followed the new path. I ran texexec --make --alone and it seemed to be successful. Ran mktexlsr again. Then I ran a test program in another directory. It could not find cont-en.fmt. In fact this file or anything similar to this file does not exist in this tree, although it existed in my previous tetex tree and exists in my texlive tree.
How do I create and/or download this file?
You can't download it. texexec --make --all (or --make --alone, it doesn't really matter I guess) should create it and copy it to the proper destination. If it didn't, ConTeXt won't work properly either since the rest of the needed environmental variables are not set properly. Mojca