On 4. Jun 2017, at 18:55, Hans Hagen
wrote: Hi,
For those using synctex, an alternative method is:
It is tuned for use in a more complex setup where one wants access to source files (with content) and not to e.g. styles in a tex tree. It also works reasonable well with (also included) xml files. Personally I never use synctex but for some projects it came in handy for authors (think of proofing xml files with hundreds of nested inclusions and files in a rather branched tree.) Of course you can expect a similar performance hit as normal synctex but commenting the above line in production results in zero overhead. Using the syntex flag on the command line (--synctex=context will work) can be messy.
This currently only works with the windows binaries version on the garden (as we need luatex 1.0.5).
Hans, thanks for that info. \setupsynctex[state=start] seems to work fine with Beta 2017.07.05 23:01 - LuaTeX 1.05.0 on the Mac. Whereas I noticed that -the switches -synctex=context or --synctex=zipped have completely stopped working with that Beta (or that luatex version). It throws errors like this on every file I've tested: lua error > lua error on line 33 in file ../c-000-s3-e6-front-de.tex: ...eta/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-syn.lua:490: attempt to call upvalue 'collect' (a nil value) stack traceback: ...eta/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-syn.lua:490: in function 'luatex_synctex_collect' [string "local nodes_references_handler = nodes.refere..."]:14: in function <[string "local nodes_references_handler = nodes.refere..."]:7> (...tail calls...) ...eta/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/pack-obj.lua:129: in function <...eta/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/pack-obj.lua:127> (...tail calls...) So, I guess it is safe to assume that the synctex command line switch is finally deprecated? -- Tom