On 12/02/2013 03:31 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
The linenote compression options (and control) has been upgraded:
Hi Hans, many thanks for the new compression options.
Keep in mind that paragraph notes are somewhat special so some tolerance in alignment helps.
This is not directly related to linenotes, but to paragraph notes. There are some cases a note starts in the next page to body text it refers to. With the following scenario (I have seen this): poetry with verses numbered to the page, two apparatus (critical and similar) and the first linenote on at least one apparatus comes from the previous page (so numbers in this apparatus go from 30 to 2). Is \setupnote[linenote][split=verystrict,scope=page] a reliable method to avoid this? I mean, if you have to typeset a critical edition of the Illiad or the Odyssey, you cannot check every single page looking for displaced linenotes. Many thanks for your help, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk