On 2016-03-01 15:35:07 +0000, Aditya Mahajan said:
On Tue, 1 Mar 2016, Nicola wrote:
I'm using the latest beta, and I need syntax coloring for SQL (PostgreSQL variant). According to the wiki, there is no SQL syntax coloring available for MKIV yet, but I'd be happy to be wrong :)
You can use the vim module:
That's a pretty impressive module, thanks! I didn't know about it. I have a couple of questions: 1) Vim's SQL highlighting is a bit peculiar, in that a user is allowed to set a SQL dialect (:h sql-dialects) with SQLSetType or by setting g:sql_type_default or b:sql_type_override. For example, the effect of putting let g:sql_type_default='pgsql' in my vimrc is that, when a sql buffer is created, Vim searches for syntax/pgsql.vim instead of the default syntax file (sqloracle.vim, I think). Note that the filetype remains 'sql'. I have tried to set a SQL dialect inside a \startvimrc/\stopvimrc block, but without success (if that matters, I have this plugin in my ~/.vim folder: https://github.com/lifepillar/pgsql.vim). I have also tried \definevimtyping[SQL][syntax=pgsql], but then I don't get any highlighting, which makes me think that the module does not search my ~/.vim folder. Does the module work only with syntaxes in core Vim? 2) Are pscolor and blackandwhite the only possibilities to customize the colors? This is important, I need the syntax highlighting to match my document's colors. Finally, your Readme tells to use \definevimtyping[...][...], but I have found that I need to use put all the options together: \defienvimtyping[...]. Nicola