2007/10/10, Peter Rolf
Hi Peter,
MASON Peter J schrieb:
I'm trying to layout a grid of bullets. The results isn't the expected one. Perhaps someone could offer help here? Thanks.
Here's the sort of thing I'm doing ....
\setuplayout[leftmargin=0pt, leftmargindistance=0pt, backspace=0pt, rightmargin=0pt, rightmargindistance=0pt, cutspace=0pt, width=middle, topspace=0pt, header=0pt, headerdistance=0pt, footer=0pt, footerdistance=0pt, bottomspace=0pt, height=middle]
\starttext \setuppositioning[unit=cm] \startpositioning \newcount\Row
\Row = 0 \loop { ^^ \newcount\Col
\Col = 0 \loop \position(\Col, \Row) {$\bullet$} \ifnum\Col < 14 \advance\Col by 1 \repeat }
\ifnum\Row < 36 \advance\Row by 1 \repeat \stoppositioning \stoptext
You introduce "spurious spaces" (line break sometimes adds a space) in you loops. See
if you want to learn more about it.
\starttext \setuppositioning[unit=cm] \startpositioning \newcount\Row \newcount\Col
\Row=0 \dorecurse{36} {\Col=0 \dorecurse{14} {\position(\Col,\Row){$\bullet$} \advance\Col by 1 }% \advance\Row by 1 } \stoppositioning \stoptext
Remove the comment sign behind the inner loop and see what happens.
Also see
for the nicer ConTeXt loop macros.
Best wishes, Peter
Hi, there is smarter and better solution than loop for doing this work, you can use leaders. I prefer myself xledaers in this example (alternative b). \defineoverlay[PageGrid][\PageGrid] \setupbackgrounds[page][background=PageGrid,offset=5mm] \starttext % alternative a: \def\PageGrid {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox to\dimexpr\paperwidth-1cm\relax {\leaders\hbox to 1cm{\hss$\bullet$\hss}\hfill}% \vbox to\dimexpr\paperheight-1cm\relax {\leaders\vbox to 1cm{\vss\box\scratchbox\vss}\vfill}} \page[empty] % alternative b: \def\PageGrid {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox to\dimexpr\paperwidth-1cm\relax {\xleaders\hbox to 1cm{\hss$\bullet$\hss}\hfill}% \vbox to\dimexpr\paperheight-1cm\relax {\xleaders\vbox to 1cm{\vss\box\scratchbox\vss}\vfill}} \page[empty] % alternative c: \def\PageGrid {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox to\dimexpr\paperwidth-1cm\relax {\cleaders\hbox to 1cm{\hss$\bullet$\hss}\hfill}% \vbox to\dimexpr\paperheight-1cm\relax {\cleaders\vbox to 1cm{\vss\box\scratchbox\vss}\vfill}} \page[empty] \stoptext Wolfgang