On 3/28/2013 6:41 PM, Philipp Gesang wrote:
Hi all,
I get an error when I run this code:
\ctxlua{font.getfont( font.current() )}
(Complete example below.) Oddly, whether or not this fails depends on the font. The issue does occur with both today’s beta and Tex Live. The error message is
error: .../context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/node-inj.lua:97: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'factor' (a nil value)
At the same time, in Plain the equivalent code works fine for all fonts. Bug or feature?
it's a side effect ... it looks like font.getfont operates on the table passed to tex and when you request it it probably fills in some data (like parameters) thereby overloading / wiping out existing stuff so after that call the data structure as context uses (and needs) it is messed up
I just read that in the manual: Note that at the moment, each access to the font.fonts or call to font.getfont creates a lua table for the whole font. This process can be quite slow. In a later version of LuaTEX, this interface will change (it will start using userdata objects instead of actual tables).
add this after the definition of definers.read(specification,size,id) and it will probably work ok
function font.getfont(id) return fontdata[id] -- otherwise issues end
(I'll add a similar overload someplace else.)
Great! Looking forward to the next update.
in context you can try this:
\startluacode function font.getfont(id) return fonts.hashes.identifiers[id] end \stopluacode
foo \ctxlua{inspect(font.getfont( font.current()).parameters )} bar \stoptext
if you comment the function overload you see the difference
Compared to Plain, Context adds a lot to the “.parameters” table. Sadly, writing to it doesn’t appear to change anything … Philipp -- () ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail /\ www.asciiribbon.org - against proprietary attachments