Am 16.01.2012 um 12:39 schrieb Felix Ingram:
Hello all,
I've discovered the magic of structureuservariabl and have therefore converted all my headings to use the start/stop syntax. It's raised a few quick questions though:
1. Is \startchapter \stopchapter etc the "proper way" to do things from now on? Or is it really just up to the user?
You can use either \chapter or \startchapter nut the second form is better when you want to set different texts for the heading and the table of contents or the headers, bookmarks etc.
2. Is there a way to provide a default value for a structureuservariable? I'd like to set a reference number based on a global counter if the user doesn't supply their own. 3. In a similar vein - is it possible to define a reference for a section if the user doesn't provide one. E.g. if they provide
\startchapter[title=My Example Chapter]
instead of:
\startchapter[chap:examplechapter][title=My Example Chapter]
can I set the reference for them? (I will have some sections that could be usefully auto-referenced).
When you use \startchapter references are set with \startchapter[reference=…,title=…]. Wolfgang