� wrote:
When I was trying to use this feature for multipage document it cut of all of the pages except the first. I found out that the layers weren't thought to be part of the content of the file but more like a background and I can't figure out how to use them on many pages without placing something like a dot on every page. Is there any way to do this? I discovered that the layers were "inserted" into the document via "\setupbackgrounds[page]" so I understand why it acts like this but I am asking if there is some way of getting layers working like I want?
was this solved? (btw, if you are positioning things in a n by n way, an option is to use small pages (A7 or so) and ise the page imposition xy feature to collect them on a page)
Another thing I was wondering about is how to make items like images bleed (that is to go over the edge of the paper, to avoid white lines at the margin). Can I use negative values for positioning to achive that?
indeed, \setposition[...][hoffset=2mm,voffset=-2mm,...] (in principle h(v)offset and x(y) do similar things but having two keys for each makes it possibel to separate the bleed from the positioning) Hans