Hello list, I have noticed that some gradients get lost when embedding an external figure from a pdf (Preview and Acrobat DC and in printer), although the original pdf works fine for me. It seems to occur with color-to-color gradients (but not all), but not with color-to-alpha ones. While preparing a MWE, I further realized that I get the correct output when between \startTEXpage ... \stopTEXpage \starttext Embedded via \type{\externalfigure} PNG \externalfigure[drawing.png][width=72.631mm,height=21.702mm] \blank[big] PDF \externalfigure[drawing.pdf] \startTEXpage % this "works" Embedded via \type{\externalfigure} in \type{\startTEXpage ... \stopTEXpage} PNG \externalfigure[drawing.png][width=72.631mm,height=21.702mm] \blank[big] PDF \externalfigure[drawing.pdf] \stopTEXpage \stoptext Any hints what I would need to change in order to get the gradients also in non-TEX-page mode? I attach the two original files and the output produced with this MWE. Thanks! Benjamin