Dear Pablo, sorry for answering late as I am on holidays learning Spanish in Salamanca. :-) Am Wed, May 18, 2022 at 06:00:20PM +0200 schrieb Pablo Rodriguez via ntg-context:
Sorry for explaining myself so poorly.
One of the not irrelevant tasks for me is finding examples of XML code.
As I know that you are fluent in German I would recommend https://deutschestextarchiv.de/ It is a collection of many, many texts in German with expired copyright in TEI XML and other formats. I had a hard time to convert even one text to ConTeXt, but I've got it to work. I had the crazy idea to get a process where I simply can download the TEI XML source and make a nice book of the text. Saludos! juh -- Autoren-Homepage: ......... http://literatur.hasecke.com Satiren & Essays: ......... http://www.sudelbuch.de Privater Blog: ............ http://www.hasecke.eu Netzliteratur-Projekt: .... http://www.generationenprojekt.de