Hans Hagen
At 18:54 15/10/2003, you wrote:
TeXExec 3.3 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2003
this should be no problem but we have 4.0 now
This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.14159-13d-2.1 (Web2C 7.3.1)
entering extended mode
but version 13d is asking for problems and around that ime column sets were not there
just pick up the zip mentioned in an earlier mail and try that one (new binaries, new tex)
I looked around a bit in the archives, but I'm not sure which zip that is, so I decided to go ahead and upgrade my whole tetex to 2.0.2. I went to pragma-ade and followed the links to find pdftex 14h. By the way, I am a little confused about the stable pdftex numbering scheme (like 1.11a) and how it relates to the 14h numbering scheme. I got the cont-tmf-20030925.zip and unpacked it in my texmf directory. I copied each foo.pl file in context/perltk to ../bin/foo (no ".pl" extension), made sure /opt/tetex-2.0.2/bin was in my $PATH, made sure texexec.ini was there, ran fmtutil --edit to activate the context formats, ran fmtutil --all to generate the formats. OK, but texexec was just showing the usage. I read the minstall.pdf document to see if I missed anything, but I couldn't find anything. Just to see what would happen, I then got pdftex 14h and unzipped it in the bin dir, moving the pool files to texmf/web2c. Then I did mktexlsr and fmtutil --all, but I see this error message in the output: running `pdfetex -ini -jobname=cont-en -progname=context *cont-en.ini' ... pdfetex: unrecognized option `-jobname=cont-en' Try `pdfetex --help' for more information. Error: `pdfetex -ini -jobname=cont-en -progname=context *cont-en.ini' failed ... This is a summary of all `failed' messages and warnings: `pdftex -ini -jobname=pdftex -progname=pdftex pdftex.ini' failed `pdftex -ini -jobname=pdflatex -progname=pdflatex pdflatex.ini' failed `pdfetex -ini -jobname=pdfetex -progname=pdfetex *pdfetex.ini' failed `pdfetex -ini -jobname=pdfelatex -progname=pdfelatex *pdfelatex.ini' failed `pdfetex -ini -jobname=cont-en -progname=context *cont-en.ini' failed `pdfetex -ini -jobname=cont-nl -progname=context *cont-nl.ini' failed `pdfetex -ini -jobname=cont-uk -progname=context *cont-uk.ini' failed `pdfetex -ini -jobname=mptopdf -progname=mptopdf mptopdf.tex' failed root@marblerye texmf# I tried "texexec --make", but texexec is still just showing a usage message and exiting. The --verbose option doesn't change that. Any suggestions or pointers would be most appreciated. -- --Ed L Cashin | PGP public key: ecashin@uga.edu | http://noserose.net/e/pgp/