Hi everybody Is there a way to have an automatic access to the current line number of a specific place inside a tex file ? To be more precise, here is what I would like to do. I am currently trying to have some automatic external compilation by g++ of some portion of my tex file as in the following example below. \startC \stopC defines a framed part of text written between lines 538 and 549. Of course, if I add something before or inbetween my framed code, 538 and/or 549 will change. Thus I would like to get these two numbers automatically. Thank you. Thierry \startC #include <iostream> using namespace std; int mysum(int,int); int a; int b; int main () { a=2; b=9; cout << mysum(a,b) << endl; return 0; } int mysum(int a, int b) { return a+b; } \stopC \startluacode myout = io.open("test.cpp", "w") myin = io.open(tex.jobname..".tex", "r") local n=0 for line in myin:lines() do n=n+1 if n>539 and n<550 then myout:write(line.."\n") end end myout:close() myin:close() os.execute("g++ -o test test.cpp") os.execute("./test > tmp") local file=assert(io.open("tmp","r")) local t = file:read("*all") tex.print(t) \stopluacode