Am 02.10.2010 um 18:34 schrieb Talal Al-Azem:
Dear Wolfgang and Khaled,
Thank you both for your replies. This has been very helpful. May I ask one further newbie question of simplefonts: how do I change the font for just the "fallback" font, without affecting the mainfont?
Try my example and you can see the font set with \setmainfont is used for the latin text and the font set with \setmainfontfallback is used for the arabic text without any manual font switching.
Is there a way to do this by setting the size in points, or in scale (percentage), or some other fashion?
\definefontfeature[arabic][mode=node,language=dflt,script=arab,...] \setmainfontfallback[Scheherazade][scale=1.66,range=arabic,features=arabic]
In fontspec, i was accustomed to something like:
I am sure there are equivalents for these feature (size, scale, wordspace); I've seen many features in the simplefonts pdf. But i'm unsure how to define something like "arfont" using simplefonts.
Simplefonts is not such a complex package like fontspec, it’s a simple wrapper around context’s typescript and fontfallback mechanism with a few options to change the typescript and typeface parameters. A separate typeface can be created with \definefontfeature[arabic][mode=node,language=dflt,script=arab,...] \definesimplefonttypeface[arfont][Scheherazade][scale=1.66,features=arabic] Wolfgang