Pablo Rodriguez
19. März 2017 um 22:08 via Postbox

Yes, this might work, but I’m afraid I need to disable other default
features such as ligatures (not only liga, but TeX ligatures).

I had this problem typesetting XML sources and I didn’t know how to
disable the other features.
The default setting is “feature=default” and to get expansion/protrusion additional
to kerning etc. you have two options:

1. Add them to the default feature with \definefontfeature[default][default][expansion=quality,protrusion=quality]

2. Set multiple feature with \definefontfamily[...][...][...][features={default,quality}]

You can use the second method when you want only expansion/protrusion. When you
set only “features=quality” kerning isn’t enabled because the default features aren’t
applied to your font.
