Friday, October 18, 2002 Jens-Uwe Morawski wrote:
JUM> On Thu, 17 Oct 2002 19:06:12 +0200
JUM> Giuseppe Bilotta
I'm working on an extension of tooltips (see attached file) whose primary goal is for use "instead of" footnotes in interactive documents.
Suggestions for improvements are more than welcome
JUM> I really would like to see this feature as part of the core: JUM> \setupfootnotes[...,location=tooltip,...] JUM> This way one can use the normal \footnote command for a print JUM> and interactive version of a document. There are at least three things that need to be done to add this to the core in a fully ConTeXtish way: (1) add frame classes (2) add tooltip classes (3) have footnotes accept "tooltip" as an option Something which might also be needed is a more complex "show" command for the tip, so that it always shows on screen (if it fits). I don't know if this can be done though, and it surely has a lower priority than the above three. Hans? -- Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta