I am coming back to ConTeXt after some years; but lately I did find a funny introduction to ConTeXt in French based on context-lmtx (http://www.lesfichesabebert.fr/).
I did install it for Windows-64, added the reference to the context folders under TeXworks, re-difined the Context command and everything went OK.
I did want to do the same on an old portable computer running lubuntu 16.04 (it's a 32 bits machine with small disk and RAM). I followed all the steps to install it. But this didn't work neither in the console (I get the message "Le programme « context » n'est pas encore installé. Vous pouvez l'installer en tapant: sudo apt install context" - but this, I suppose will install the context from the linux distribution) , nor under TeXworks (message: "startup error: no format file given, quitting".
Is there a solution? Or my system is too old?
Thanks for your attention and for your help.