Hi all, please have a look at the attached example. Is there a (not manually) possibility to reduce the space of two consecutive headers? Another situation is if a header with ‘before=,’ is followed by an environment with 'before=\blank’ … \setupdelimitedtext[blockquote][before=\blank,after=\blank] \setuphead[subject][after=,style=\bfa] \starttext \subject{No space after the header} \input tufte \subject{Space from the \tex{blockquote}-environment} % \vskip-\lineheight \startblockquote \input tufte \stopblockquote \input tufte \startblockquote \input tufte \stopblockquote \startcolumns \section{Section} \input tufte \par \subsection{Subsection} \input tufte \par \column \section{Section} % \vskip-1.25\lineheight \subsection{Subsection} \input tufte \par \input tufte \par \stopcolumns \stoptext Thanks in advance Andreas