28 May
28 May
5:56 p.m.
Guðmundur J. Kristjánsson wrote:
Thanks alot. So #3 was middle name? If I´m correct then the parameters are: #1: Junior (as in Jr. (child with same name as father)?).
Yes, that is the intent.
#2: First name. #3: Middle name?
It officially stands for "inits", but what it means is more or less up to the style.
#4: von (can this also be used as another middle name?).
In some styles, yes. In others not. An author with a von part can be typeset as both von Munchhausen Munchhausen, von this is a matter of style (as are the variious choices for initials, middle name and first name).
#5: Last name.
Yes. Cheers, Taco