Hi, I think this is related to my message from yesterday [1]. The "booktitle" key is ignored in "inproceedings" entries when "crossref" is present. See the following excerpt from cont-ab.bst: #################################### FUNCTION {inproceedings} { start.entry format.authors format.year format.arttitle crossref missing$ { format.in.booktitle.or.series format.number.series "" "\city" address do.out format.pages } { format.incoll.inproc.crossref format.pages } if$ "" "\pubname" publisher do.out "" "\organization" organization do.out stop.entry } #################################### So "title" is not set in the .bbl file. Good to know that I'm not the only one who's having trouble with that. I didn't know what I should expect when using "crossref", so I decided to not mind the missing booktitle. But it would still be nice (as seen in your example) if the actual citation style could decide whether or not to use "booktitle" aka "title". HTH, Stefan. [1] http://archive.contextgarden.net/message/20110926.093110.8bc078f6.en.html On 27.09.2011 10:41, Meer, H. van der wrote:
Step by step I am able to dig deeper in the problem. The fact that it used to work but now doesn't may well be connected with the fact that the booktitle in those cases came from a "crossref =" item in the bib file. Could it be the \crossref{} macro is not recognized any longer by the ConTeXt bib module?
In file bibl-tra.mkiv I encounter the following comment: %D \macros{bib@crossref} %D %D \type{\crossref} is used in database files to point to another %D entry. Because of this special situation, it has to be defined %D separately. Since this command will not be seen until at %D \type{\placepublications}, it may force extra runs. The same is %D true for \type{\cite} commands inside of publications.
In typesetting the citation in the footnote I am solely using cite, not "\placepublications". Does someone know why earlier the \crossref worked and now obviously has been switched "out of the loop"? Is there another way to force these crossref's to be carried out?
Hans van der Meer
On 27 sep. 2011, at 10:07, Meer, H. van der wrote:
An addtionial remark here: in the .bib file this is caused by a missing "book title".
On 27 sep. 2011, at 10:03, Hans van der Meer wrote:
Recently I reported the following problem:
On 25 sep. 2011, at 19:58, H. van der Meer wrote:
I used the following macro for typsetting literature references in footnotes. It worked without problems until now, but then I didn't use the bib module for some time. It looks like a problem has crept in with the<inproceedings> type.
The error message: <to be read again> \pbd: \bibgetvart #1->\csname pbd:#1\endcsname \plussix
Digging into the code I finally was able to nail the problem: the offending citation being of type "t=inproceedings" was missing the "title" item. Then I observe a call with #1 in bibgetvart empty, somehow leading to a missing \endcsname error message.
Obviously earlier this wasn't a problem but now is. I guess because the code changed since my previous work on the project.