On Fri, Sep 4, 2009, Aditya Mahajan wrote
On Thu, 3 Sep 2009, Robert Blackstone wrote:
Hi all, In a text with some fairly long quotations I want to have these quotations without their quotation marks, not indented and set in small type.
To make context ignore indenting of a signle paragraph, use \noindentation.
delimited text does not offer control of indentation inside the environment, but offers sufficient hooks to enable manipulation of indentations.
If you want paragraphs inside the quotation to be indented use the following (if not, replace noindentation with noindenting)
\definedelimitedtext[LongQuote] [style={\switchtobodyfont[9pt]}, spacebefore=medium, before=\noindentation, % also \noindenting, ]
\input ward
\startLongQuote \input knuth \par \stopLongQuote
\input ward
Thank you Aditya, it helped. It was: before=\noindenting that did what I
wanted. Surprisingly for me, in the example you gave, before=\noindentation resulted in no indentation for the first paragraph but the two others were indented. With before=\noindenting all three paragrapghs were unindented. I really couldn’t have guessed this. With some slight changes your example did almost exactly what I had in mind. (Almost, since in a text like this I would prefer some space between the paragraphs and I understand that it cannot be adjusted locally.) Just for the sake of completeness I add it here: \definedelimitedtext[LongQuote] [style={\switchtobodyfont[9pt]}, spacebefore=medium, before=\noindenting ] \setupindenting[big,yes] \starttext \input ward \startnarrower \startLongQuote \input knuth \par \stopLongQuote \stopnarrower \input ward \stoptext I have two related questions for the list: a. Would it be useful to add this information to the ConTeXt wiki page on Quotes? b. Is there a complete and up to date list of commands for ConTeXt, and what they are supposed to do, to be found somewhere? (I find things like the existence of \noindent, \noindenting and \noindentation, all apparently giving slightly different results, nice for the variety it offers but, for a beginner, quite confusing as well.) Kind regards, Robert Blackstone