Am 2011-03-14 um 20:52 schrieb Mojca Miklavec:
PPS (not to be taken (too) seriously): But I wouldn't be surprized if, say, two years from now you would try to repeat the experiment just to find out that MKIV became faster. (Unlikely to happen, but imaging Taco coming to idea to use all the four processor cores of your new machine and Hans reducing the number of required runs from three to two plus some extra optimizations.)
You can’t use several threads (or even processor cores) at once for linear tasks like TeXing. We already had that discussion several times. (It might be possible to re-write TeX again to parallelize some sub- tasks, but as far as I can imagine, this would yield minor speed gains after a huge programming effort.) Greetlings from Lake Constance! Hraban --- (I'm an assurer)