Has anyone ever tried to use Context to create music CD labels? Any tips on what should I do, pages I can read or results I can expect?
I have never tried to create CD labels but from my experience you should use overlay... Could you describe the geometry of the labels you use (if you use some) ?
I don't have the exact dimenstions. You can check it here (Open Office document): www.pimaco.com.br/files/gabaritos/Gabarito_CDpply_CARTA.sxw
I can make an example without it but it can help to provide a full one... I need: - width and height of the page (if non-standard) - number of label per page and position of each label's center relatively to a corner of the page...
You can draw, clip, write whatever you want and where you want... The circular shape are just to demonstrate positionning and can help to check...
You could use Metafun to do some advanced text manipulation (like shaped texts or followtoken texts...)
I will learn Metafun right now. Do you think I can get Context to write a music list in a way that the text fits automatically into the label? I would like to create a standard template for labels so that I could change only the music list and title. That list could be as small as 3 songs or as big as 30 songs organized into sections. Maurício