Am 16.02.2012 um 09:20 schrieb Hans Hagen:
On 15-2-2012 12:28, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
Hi Hans,
finally I managed to figure out a "minimal" 3 page example that can reproduce this strange bug!
It seems to be an interaction of \cite and \index with sectioning/bookmark generation: Please run "chap_1.tex" and click on the bookmark "1.1.2 SIX" ... no destination is set.
(As I explained before, this does not mean that anything strange is going on at \subsection{SIX}. If the minimal file was longer, the missing link would have been somewhere else.)
If I delete the used \index entries the bug is gone. And if I delete the used \mycite commands the bug is gone, too.
I hope this test file might help ...
like Luigi I get a pdf where 1.1.2 SIX is a proper link
not today: when I run it with version 20120221 I get an error: ! Missing } inserted. system > tex > error on line 1 in file chap_01.tex: Missing ... 1 >> %&context 2 %!TEX TS-program = luatex 3 4 5 % -------------------------------------------------------- 6 \setuppublications[state=start,refcommand=author] 7 8 \setupcite [author] [pubsep={}, lastpubsep={}, inbetween={}, left={}, right={}, andtext={|::|}, otherstext={ \tf et al.}] 9 10 \newbibfield[shorttitle] 11 \newbibfield[shortauthor] <inserted text> } <to be read again> \endgroup <argument> ...ct_yes [pubs][\c!type =\s!userdata ] [bibref=Franzen2001]\fi \firstofoneargument #1->#1 <to be read again> \fi \next1 #1,->\docitation {#1} \syst_helpers_do_process_comma_item ... l.341 } ? Process aborted